AVAILABLE: Tuesday, March 10th
This title is offered at a 10% discount. Offer ends midnight CST, March 17th
Sasha the cat gets caught in a torrential rain fall on a deserted street in Tokyo, Japan and finds protection in a discarded box. Then along comes a man with an umbrella and a briefcase who offers him shelter from the storm. He is everything Sasha has ever wanted in a master…kind, considerate, and handsome. But can he risk sharing his secret with someone who looks like he’s afraid of his own shadow?
AVAILABLE: Tuesday, March 10th
This title is offered at a 10% discount. Offer ends midnight CST, March 17th
Naughty Nekos By: Shawn Bailey
Middle-school teacher Jordan James is walking home from school late one evening in the rain and sees a black cat in a box trying to keep dry. He takes the poor thing home, dries it, pets it, and feeds it some milk. The cat looks at him with beautiful green eyes and purrs at him. At that moment, the lonely introvert Jordan decides to keep the kitty as a pet.
Sasha the cat gets caught in a torrential rain fall on a deserted street in Tokyo, Japan and finds protection in a discarded box. Then along comes a man with an umbrella and a briefcase who offers him shelter from the storm. He is everything Sasha has ever wanted in a master…kind, considerate, and handsome. But can he risk sharing his secret with someone who looks like he’s afraid of his own shadow?
Jordan James left Roppongi Middle School
and walked toward home. He carried his briefcase, keeping it close to
his body and beneath the umbrella so it wouldn’t get wet. For late
afternoon, the streets were abnormally empty of cars, and there were
very few people on the sidewalk….a rarity in Japan.
He walked quickly past the numerous bars,
strip and host clubs, known for their popular and sometimes dangerous
night life, and headed for his neighborhood, favored by business people,
off-duty military personnel and students. Jordan took the same walk
twice a day, five days a week and very seldom detoured from his
destination. He’d lived in the same area and apartment on the bottom
floor of the building assigned to teachers of the local middle and
senior high schools for the last five years.
Jordan stopped in his tracks after hearing
a meowing sound and looked down. A medium-sized black cat lay shivering
in a cardboard box where someone had left it. Poor kitty. The
cat continued to meow, wagging its long tail back and forth and looking
up at him with sad green eyes. Jordan loved animals and had always
wanted a pet. “Hi, Mr. Kitty. Do you want to come home with me?”
The cat meowed an answer. Jordan picked up
the cat, put it under his coat to keep it warm and started walking
again. The cat snuggled in close to his chest and then purred.
Jordan passed the neighborhood grocery
store where he did most of his shopping, an ice cream parlor that he
frequented, a video arcade and a new family restaurant that he had yet
to try. It had opened about a year ago, but Jordan normally prepared all
his meals at home to save money and he really didn’t like eating alone
in public. Mr. Kitty purred louder as Jordan stood near the restaurant,
waiting to cross the street.
“Is this where you are from?” Mr. Kitty
appeared to be in pretty good condition, so he might belong to someone
nearby. He crossed the street and continued to the building where he
lived. Jordan managed to open the front door of his apartment while
juggling the cat, his briefcase and the wet umbrella. He eased out of
his shoes and put the case down on a table, then carried the cat and the
umbrella to the closet to get a towel. Afterwards, Jordan sat down on
the floor and began toweling the dripping-wet cat. It had a silky, black
coat of fur, a slender body and just the cutest pink nose and mouth.
“You’re a beautiful cat, and your hair is
so shiny. It’s hard to believe that you don’t belong to someone.” He
sighed. “If I was your master, I’d take care of you and make sure you
have enough to eat.” He sighed again. “I’ve been living here for years
and you are my first guest.” Jordan didn’t have anyone he could
technically call a friend. On rare occasions he did go out with his
co-workers, but he always ended the evening early because he wasn’t much
of a drinker. The only person he remotely wanted to spend time with was
Makiya Kimura, who taught history at his school. He’d been in love with
the man since he first met him, but his feelings were purely one-sided.
Makiya was very popular with the ladies,
and he always bragged about his sexual conquests. Jordan didn’t think he
had a snowball’s chance in hell of getting the handsome heterosexual
* * * *
What an interesting human. Sasha
lay on a rug licking his paw, even though the man had dried him off
sufficiently. He liked the apartment, even though it was small. Right
now, he just wanted to get warm and watch the guy who’d just came back
into the living room with a saucer.
“Here you go, Mr. Kitty.”
Sasha meowed his thanks and lapped at the milk. Warm. Just the way he liked it.
“Looks like we’re in for an all-night rain. It’s okay, though, because I have no place to go.”
Unfortunately, Sasha did. His brothers
would be quite worried if he didn’t return tonight. They were in the
heart of the East Asian rainy season…tsuyu. Sasha didn’t like the
rain, but there wasn’t anything he could do about it at the moment. He
finished his milk and continued to purr. Most of this was his fault.
The last time he took a shower with
another guy was after a high school physical education class, in the
locker room, where it was mandatory. Jordan didn’t quite remember it
being anything like this. And he was quite sure back then that he
showered alone in the stall and it didn’t involve kissing. They had to
do a bit of adjusting of the shower head because of Sasha’s height. They
eventually washed before finding their way back to the bedroom, and
Sasha looked much better with a towel wrapped around his waist than
Jordan could imagine. He had a crescent-shaped moon birthmark on his
stomach just like Mr. Kitty. Odd.
“I’m going to take this slow, this being
your first time,” Sasha said. He moved in closer to Jordan on the side
of the bed. He lifted Jordan’s head and planted a tender kiss on his
He’d never kissed anyone before. A simple
tilt of the head and it all seemed so easy. Sasha pushed him down on the
mattress and began kissing his way down Jordan’s body.
“Oh my,” Jordan said. His body tingled
from his head to his toes. Sasha eased the big bath towel from around
Jordan’s waist and tossed it aside. Jordan tried to cover his privates
with his hand, but Sasha’s moved them aside.
“We just showered together. I saw what you have and I’m not disappointed. This is what sex is all about.”
Jordan relaxed. He knew he didn’t have anything to be ashamed of, but he was still a bit modest.
Sasha didn’t give him time to think about it. He just went down between Jordan’s legs and plopped his cock into his mouth.
Heat radiated from his crotch to his brain
as Sasha sucked and played with his balls. Jordan just lay there, not
knowing exactly what to do. He took mental notes as Sasha took his time,
showing how it was done.
“Ooh!” Jordan gasped as Sasha teased the tiny slit with his tongue.
“You have a sweet, clean taste,” Sasha said. “I like it.”
“Thank you,” Jordan replied, not knowing
what else to say. Sasha went back to sucking him. Moments later, Jordan
felt a familiar pull in the pit of his stomach. “Move away, please. I
think I’m about to come.” Sasha ignored him and continued to slowly
stroke Jordan with his fingers while simultaneously trying to bring him
to climax with his mouth. Jordan bottom twitched. A wave of desire
cascaded through his body. Jordan stopped fidgeting and gripped the
mattress and just let go of his cum into Sasha’s mouth.
“Mmm,” Sasha moaned as he raised his head. He licked his fingers. “Sweeter than honey.”
Jordan was shocked. “You swallowed.”
“Yes, I worked hard for my reward,” Sasha bragged.
Heat warmed Jordan’s cheeks.
Sasha noticed it. “Don’t be embarrassed. It’s normal for lovers to do this to each other.”
Jordan knew this. He wasn’t a complete
dweeb. He also hated the fact that he acted quite immaturely. “I know.”
His eyes landed on Sasha’s erection. He still needed release. Jordan
manned up, rolled over and presented his behind to his new lover. “Take
“Wow, so cute,” Sasha teased. “As appetizing as your butt looks, you need to be prepared.”
“Prepared?” Jordan didn’t understand until
he felt one of Sasha’s fingers trying to penetrate him. He relaxed,
confident that he could make it through this.
Sasha worked the lube in quickly and efficiently.
Jordan felt it warm inside his ass. “Oh, that’s nice.”
“It will prepare you for this,” Sasha said as he pushed the head of his dick into the tiny circle of skin. He entered.
“Oh!” Jordan groaned loudly as Sasha long
and thick cock packed him good and deep. The gel made it tolerable, and
took away what he guessed was the brunt of the pain. Still, he felt
invaded. He stopped the theatrics and tried not to make a big deal about
what was being done to him.
“Don’t just lay there. You have to
participate so it can be pleasurable for both of us.” Sasha put both
hands on Jordan’s hips and moved him back and forth on his cock. “Like
Jordan learned quickly. He rolled his hips.
“That’s it. Keep it up,” Sasha said. His
voice suddenly grew husky. He slid his dick out to the head then buried
it deep inside of Jordan’s ass.
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