when you’re happy, cry when you’re sad and don’t ever be afraid to try
something new. These are the words I live by. We only get one shot at
this life, and I intend to live the best one I can. I had it all growing
up. Popularity, beauty, great friends and a perfect family. But then
one day, it all changed – now I’m blind. I’ve never let that stop me
though. Life is an adventure and I believe in making the best out of
every moment.
spend my days with a job I love, online friends and a sexy new book
boyfriend every week. I know in my heart that someday, my own prince
charming will come along and appreciate me for exactly who I am – I
won’t settle for anything less. Meeting Tease seems like the beginning
of my fairy tale … until he opens his mouth.
don’t trust people – ever. Every single person I’ve ever loved has
contributed, in one way or another, to the shit show that is my life.
Keeping everyone I meet at arm’s length, I work hard at being the star
of most people’s nightmares. People think I’m a monster and honestly –
they’re right.
beauty is what caught my eye, but her personality is what held it.
Laynie’s the only person to ever see past my appearance and break down
the walls I’ve worked so hard to build. I’ll do whatever it takes to
keep her. When things heat up with a rival club, and Laynie gets caught
in the crossfire, I will unleash hell on earth to protect the woman who
makes me want to trust someone again. When bullets start flying and
bodies start piling up, keeping her safe may be the last thing I ever
This book contains violence, strong language and descriptive sexual
situations. It is intended for readers over the age of 18.

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