Title: Fire in the Kitchen
Author: Donna Allen
Genre: Adult, Romantic Comedy
Release Date: December 14, 2015
Published by: Liquid Silver Books
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/28168935-fire-in-the-kitchen
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Celebrity chef Dante Cristiani needs to renew his tainted reputation. He earns a spot in a television culinary contest and is competing against a talented foodie, Cassidy Summers. She’s quirky, free-spirited, and disorganized in the kitchen. She’s everything he isn’t, so why does it feel like she is everything he needs? If you love food, wine, and romance, you’ll love Donna Allen’s new romantic comedy, Fire in the Kitchen.
Author Bio:
Donna Allen is a contemporary romance author who loves calling Australia home. A self-confessed foodie, she is addicted to cooking shows and cooking up a storm for family and friends with her winemaker husband and gorgeous son by her side. She believes combining food and romance is a recipe to heaven. She has had several short stories published in popular magazines and won her place in three romance anthologies.
Social Media:
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Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/14757658.Donna_Allen
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